Grad students have so many things going on at the same time: school, work, family, and friends.  I definitely remember those times of feeling like I would never be able to catch up and get organized, so I wanted to see how some apps might help alleviate some procrastination and disorganization.  With all these handy mobile apps and tools right at our disposal, we have plenty of ways to…

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With tuition, housing, groceries, and gas costs, it’s no secret that grad students have money struggles.  One of the keys to staying above water financially is being educated and knowing how much money you have at a particular time.  If you use these apps well, they’ll help you figure out how much money you spend and where via budgets and other tools.  Each of the following…

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Sometimes, graduate students want to learn something new and step back from the monotony of their field of study.  Apps like the ones I will discuss can provide opportunities for you to learn something new in an environment that is conducive to your lifestyle. You might recognize the following apps from previous school subjects (or present, in case you see your own major here), but don’t let this…

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