Scores from the Graduate Record Examination, commonly referred to as the GRE, are considered by fellowship panels or admissions representatives of graduate schools as part of your grad school application, which also include undergraduate records, personal statements, and recommendation letters. About the GRE Because graduate and business school applicants may come from a wide range of cultural and educational backgrounds, the GRE was designed to assess candidates’ qualifications for…

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Why is it important to know how to write a personal statement? Many graduate schools require more than just an application and your standardized test scores. Look below for some tips on how to write a personal statement as well as what some things you may have heard that are not recommended. How to Write a Personal Statement Tips: 1. Research the school to which you are applying. Tailor your…

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Many undergraduates who are considering grad school often wonder if they should go straight into graduate school or work for a few years beforehand. The simple answer to this question is that you will have to decide which option is best for you, whether it be graduate school or work. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages. Below are some factors to consider when you are trying to decide between…

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Location is a huge factor in deciding where to go for grad school. With regard to location, you really only have two options: staying local or relocating. Some grad-school hopefuls struggle to decide between the two. Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of staying local and relocating to find a graduate school. Staying Local There are many benefits of staying local in deciding where to go for…

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There are many factors that you should consider when you are deciding which graduate school to apply to as well as the application process itself: Who Is Interviewing Whom? It is easy to lose sight of your needs when you are applying to graduate school, but it is important to remember that although the faculty members are interviewing you, you are also interviewing the faculty members. Do their research…

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The cost of graduate school varies widely depending on your field, area of study, and location, among other factors. When comparing schools and determining your budget, make sure you take all expenses into consideration and not only focus on tuition. Here are a few suggestions to help you out. Tuition Tuition is typically your biggest expense of the cost of graduate school. Law students can pay $11,000 to $52,000…

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You’re nearly there! You’ve aced most of your undergrad classes already and are beginning to count the credit hours until your graduation. However, perhaps you’re a student who isn’t satisfied with having only a Bachelor’s degree. You have a hunger for knowledge and more drive than most of your classmates, so what’s next? Perhaps you have asked yourself “Should I go to graduate school?” The application process for graduate school…

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Within the past 10 years or so, the number of professional degrees has dramatically increased.  This is particularly true in medical fields, which offer degrees such as DPT, DOT, and DNP; in fact, even an MD is considered a professional degree. What is the difference between a PhD and a professional degree?  A PhD is first and…

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To find a graduate school that’s right for you, you should search the Internet for school rankings, ask professors and professionals in the field for recommendations, and consider your personal needs. Below are some additional factors you should assess to find a school that best suits your needs. Fields After you’ve determined the discipline you plan to pursue, research the schools within that field to see how they rank.

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You’ve graduated with your Bachelor’s degree and have taken a few steps up the corporate ladder. Despite your successes in the corporate world, you have lately been wondering whether going back to school for a master’s or PhD would be a better long-term decision. If this is what you are thinking, then you should ask yourself several questions before you even apply for graduate school. Why do you want to…

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