I could not be more pleased to be writing this blog right now. For many years, PhDStudent.com was but a twinkle in my eye and a notepad full of ideas, but now it’s finally come into fruition.

My name is René P, and I have a Masters and PhD in Experimental Psychology. I work as a senior statistician for both a university and a consulting company that I founded. I received my PhD in 2004, and I’ve been working with graduate students for the past 9 years. Working with PhD students on a daily basis has taught me that it’s not unusual to feel lost at some point during your graduate school journey. Many people don’t know where to go to find the answers they need, and that’s why I’m writing this blog.

I have several friends who are still in grad school and regardless of their program or university, their stories and questions are very similar to each other and ones I hear with our student clients. As a graduate student, these commonalities can be good to hear, as you know you are not in the boat alone. I’ll be passing on these thoughts and stories from my graduate school days, current friends, and student clients, and I’d like to hear from you. Hopefully, some helpful information will reach you. You are welcome to come here when you have a question related to graduate school and don’t know who else to ask, and I look forward to reading your comments. If you check in regularly or subscribe to my blog, you may find the answers before you can even ask the question!

It’s a long road, but you can push through it and receive your graduate degree. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to share my tips and experiences with you through PhDStudent.com, and I invite you to browse the rest of the site and take full advantage of what it has to offer. Regardless of where you are in your graduate school career, let’s welcome one another and foster a supportive community of graduate students. It’s been a pleasure meeting you.


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